When your dreams become true

Hello guys!

I'm going to write about my experience as exchange student, from Italy to Germany.
I have taken the decision to do this experience last year, in September, after a long time of indecision. Now I am certain of what I want. Since I was young I have loved travel. Getting in touch with German culture has always been my dream. I love the German language and their life style: punctuality, precision... all aspects that reflect my character. 
So I'm going to stay in Germany for six months. I am conscious that there will be a lot of difficulties (for examples with my family and my friends in Italy, whose lives will go on also without me, with my Italian school, with the German language,...) but I also know that to achieve what we want, we have to do a lot of sacrifices and we have to be strong.
While I was planning this experience there were two main moments that have excited me a lot. 
- The first was when I noticed that I haved won the scholarship for this exchange. I was proud of myself and I was so happy that I had hugged my sister for ten minutes! 
- The second was when I became aware of the family which will host me. That evening I stayed in front of the computer to read their description and their letter for hours. The day after I have written them an e-mail and we start to get in touch also with Whatsapp, Facebook, and finally with skype. They asked me to use skype and at first I was afraid, but when they called me I noticed that was not so bad: I understood the speech, but I had some difficulties expressing. 

Thank you for reading my post! 
Hugs to everyone!


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