Orientation WEP 2017

Ciao ragazzi!

 L'orientation WEP era tra il 12 maggio e il 14 maggio, nel villaggio di Caorle in Veneto.

 Eravamo tantissimi, circa 1500 exchange student,  wep buddie (ragazzi che negli scorsi anni hanno fatto lo scambio e ci hanno parlato delle loro esperienze) e ragazzi stranieri.

 Abbiamo dormito in bungalow di 4 o 6 ragazzi.
Durante questi tre giorni abbiamo fatto molte attività. Abbiamo parlato della distanza con la nostra famiglia e gli amici, del paese di destinazione, di ciò che è necessario fare e di avere per uscire.

 La sera abbiamo avuto l'opportunità di partecipare a party e al wep's got talent.
Nelle ore di tempo libero potevamo andare in piscina o in spiaggia.
Durante l'orientation si ha l'occasione per conoscere tantissimi ragazzi che condividono le tue emozioni, le tue paure e i tuoi dubbi.

 C'era l'opportunità di scambiare un libro con gli altri ragazzi; io ho ricevuto il libro: "Nelle terre estreme - John Krakauer".
I responsabili della wep hanno realizzato dei video su queste giornate:

 Hello guys!

 The WEP Orientation was between the 12th May and the 14th May. It was in the village of Caorle in Veneto.
We were about 1500 young people. There were also some wep-buddies, who in the previous years made the exchange. They have talked us about their experiences. Moreover there were foreigner guys, such as Jacob who comes from Germany.
We slept in bungalows of 4 or 6 boys, divided by sex and we ate in restaurants. There were also some shops.
During these three days we made a lot of activities. We talked about the distance with our family and friends. We talked about the country of destination. We talked about what is necessary to do and to have in order to leave.
In the evening we had the opportunity to take part of parties and the wep's got talent.
In the hours of free time we could go in the swimming pool or to the beach. Fortunately the weather was sunny.
There was the opportunity to exchange a book with the other guys. I gave a crime novel and I received the book: "Nelle terre estreme- John Krakauer".
The last day we made a picture all together.

 picture: WEP Italy
I have known many guys and girls with whom I still chat. It is comforting to talk to someone who lives up to your own emotions.

 This video shows the first two days:
In this video some of us describe the orientation and our feelings:


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